While we have a few well-established plants in various perennial beds, happily coexisting with the lilies and the peonies, I always thought it'd be great to have a proper (read permanent) asparagus bed. So I, too, went a little loopy when my dad brought me two dozen two-year-old crowns last year.
As asparagus starts producing in its third year, planting two-year-old crowns mean we'd get a jump on the harvest. Trouble is, I had no place to plant them.
Growing asparagus requires an investment in both time and space; it's a lot of work to prepare the bed properly, and according to Barbara Damrosch in her book, "The Garden Primer," growing 50 plants (enough for a family of four) requires about 250 sq. ft. of land. (So with half the number of crowns, we'd need half that size of plot.) Because asparagus is a perennial (once established, it can produce for 15 to 20 years), it's important to prepare the soil properly before you plant.
To plant asparagus, Damrosch suggests digging trenches 12" to 18" deep and about a foot wide, free of all weeds and perennial grasses and mixed with rotted manure/compost, with mounds of soil running down the middle spaced 18" apart. Simply drape a crown (which resembles an octopus, sort of) over each mound, and with the roots laid flat cover the tips with 2" to 3" of soil. Continue to fill in the trench as the spears grow.
Needless to say, when my dad brought me the crowns I had no such plot prepared, and no time to dig one. I did, however, have a small plot in the kitchen garden, in the front row where I'd recently harvested some lettuce. Only 2 ft wide and perhaps 3 ft long the conditions were cramped, to say the least. (I may stink at math, but even I know that's nowhere near the 125 sq. ft. suggested by Damrosch.) And like the tall kids in a school photo, asparagus should never go in the front row.
My dad was amazing and he hand dug and planted each and every crown in a makeshift trench. I knew it wasn't the best place for them, but I figured I could easily move the plants next year into a more suitable permanent home. The roots wouldn't have that much time to establish, so I thought -- that's if the plants even overwintered successfully.

When I went to transplant the asparagus last month, on a sunny March morning, not only were the plants thriving and starting to send up new shoots, the tenacious roots had already formed deep masses of invasive and twisted "tentacles," making it impossible to tell where one plant stopped at the next one started.
I thought couchgrass was bad, then I met asparagus.

It was frustrating and challenging work, and despite my best efforts at a careful excavation, I lost about half-a-dozen crowns. The rest are sitting in our second fridge, wrapped in damp newspaper and waiting to be replanted in the new perennial field garden, where they will remain -- undisturbed -- for the next 15 to 20 years.
So jealous you can grow that, it does just awful here!
Is that because of the heat, Erin? And yes, I love that we can grow it, but we did have that nasty asparagus beetle problem last year... Nothing compared to the rose chafers, but a bummer all the same!
I've planted asparagus twice on our land here (both in the same spot . . . how dumb am I?) and lost it both times. I do so want to get some more started this year, but don't know if that will be possible with everything else going on. We both love asparagus and absolutely NEED to get a good patch started.
I love Damrosch's book, too. It's like a garden bible for me.
We have a wild plant at the property and Bill has a wild plant at his house so we've been enjoying fresh new sprouts for about a week now. I was hoping to move the one at Bill's house to the new place but everyone says it's so hard to do.... I may try for new ones.
Yes, I totally agree with you: nothing tastes better than fresh picked asparagus, and that worth every effort. I haven't had a good asparagus in two years, and really miss the taste of a good fresh crunchy sprouts. Great post!
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