And that's great, because tomorrow I'm offering another giveaway sponsored by Penguin Canada.
But before I get to that, I'm going to subject you to a ridiculous number of photos of our new addition: Mrs. Nibbles. Yes, Ella named her.
I was on my barn rounds this morning when I decided to check on Betsy -- the newly-single broody hen who recently kicked out her duck partner Jemima.
A just-hatched Muscovy duckling.
Unfortunately, as soon as Betsy saw that her tiny charge wasn't one of her kind, she freaked out a bit and started pecking at her. Given last year's tragedies with our duckling losses, I simply couldn't go through that heartache again, so I quickly scooped up the new hatchling, cupped her between my closed hands and brought her back to the house.
She was still crusty, so I'm thinking she was less than an hour old.
It didn't take long before she started fluffing up and looking more duck-like and less on-the-brink-of-death like.
"Where did this come from?" they asked. Given that I was the kid who brought home wounded birds, stray pets and even tried to convince my parents that the garage was the perfect place to house a horse (in Toronto, no less) -- and never truly outgrew these tendencies -- it seemed a fair question.
"Betsy the chicken hatched her," I said.
"Really?" said Ella. "Wow.... Can I hold her? Please, can I?"
I said yes, but only after they washed their hands, unpacked their bookbags and lunches, and had a snack. We were gone for about 10 minutes, if that, when I hear a "peeping" sound clear across the main floor.
"Maybe she's hungry," said Ella.
"I don't think so," I replied. "Maybe she just misses us," I said with a smile.
Ella and I walked back into my office (nothing gets between Jack and his post-school snacktime) and even from across the room, I could see the brooder was empty. Empty? Where could the duckling have gone? She could barely stand up, let alone fly...
Right. I looked down and there she was, stumbling around my office rug like a drunken sailor.
Ella dropped to the floor, gathered the duckling in her dress and proceeded to stroke its tiny fragile body. She started chewing on Ella's dress buttons, so I thought maybe we could introduce a bit of food to our new charge.